Grumpy Cat comes to TV! Lifetime Entertainment has taken the grumpy feline, added a voice and a Christmas twist and voilà, “Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever”. The film follows the...
If you’re a fan of ‘Gotham’ another villain will be making an appearance on the show. Who you may ask? None other than the iconic villain known as Scarecrow. According to...
Christian Bale will not be playing Steve Jobs in the Steve Jobs biopic that’s being produced. If you’re a fan of Bale then you’ll have to see him in a...
Denim fabric has cemented itself in the closet of many fashionistas for it’s versatility and durability. Recently fashion has demanded that every fashionista include a denim shirt to their style...
Leopard, the one printed fabric that has remained timeless throughout history. Even though its demand has subsided, leopard has seemed to resurface with a stronger vengeance than before. 1. A...
The end date for ‘The Colbert Report’ has been announced and the last day the episode will air is December 18. This will not be the last time you’ll see...
The next victim of the fall cancellations is Fox’s reality show ‘Utopia’. It was supposed to be a social experiment meant to last one year. The show has been broadcasted for...
DNA testing that can tell the Genealogy of a person has been a growing trend in pop culture, which is evident in the various shows that document a celebrities’ journey...