Fox is officially working with Ridley Scott, the acclaimed film director, to create a new TV series based off of Don Winslow’s novel. Fox has yet to release the working...
If you’re an avid YouTube watcher or a beauty fan in general, you have heard the words bronzing and contouring more than enough to have made your head spin, but...
Julian Fellowes, one of the creators of the popular Downtown Abbey TV series, is reportedly open to making a film out of the period drama and also teased the possibility...
Disney may think they are breaking new ground with their new animated film Moana, although the company has recently received some backlash for their new Moana Halloween costume design. Last...
Kohl’s has recently announced their plans to employ over 69,000 new temporary workers in their United States retail stores. With low retail sales this year, Kohl’s seems determined to hire...