A jerk or jerky behavior is one that cannot be avoided anytime survival has been the talk. Inevitably, come across a jerk, as that’s what thing that exists in the world. There are people who are born jerks, and then there are these decent people who get into jerky behavior on and off. Both possess unpleasant approaches which can be disrespectful and disturbing to an individual. You may encounter this kind of behavior at work, in public places, or even in your circle of friends and community. In this article, we will look at 3 strategies to protect yourself and minimize the impact.  

  • Limiting Your Exposure

In today’s world, most of us have had to spend a good time of our waking hours on the job. The jerkiness may be hiding somewhere between these hierarchies and egos at the workplace. These work jerk experiences are terrible, as there seems to be no way out, and tackling them may seem extremely challenging. Among these jerks are those that are backstabbers, credit stealers, devils in disguise, and condescenders. Despite how good a person is, anyone can be a jerk depending on a scenario or a situation. How you respond during such times heavily depends on the jerk. It has to be clear if the jerkiness is situational or behavioral. 

Getting a person in a supervisory position if you are not in one, to voice out for anti-jerk policies at work would help the workplace adapt to values. Creating such values at the workplace would definitely push hostile behavior towards consequences. This means people would think twice before acting jerks. However, collecting solid evidence and other resources to support a favorable decision would be wise. This is because the organization protects some jerks, and hence standing up for a jerky behavior with no evidence might then be foolishness. 

If the situation you are going through doesn’t seem to end even after negotiations, it would be time for you to act out. You can try out things to improve the situation. Limiting your exposure to that person and treating him like kryptonite will keep you in the safe zone. In such a situation, practicing mind tricks would help to a great extent. Imagining yourself in a place far away from the current situation and distancing yourself from the ongoing issue in mind can do wonders. You can even imagine being a scientist conducting research on jerk behavior. Basically, you can imagine anything that can make you feel good and feel distanced from the situation.

  • Being Watchful

Online dating is one major platform you encounter rude and jerky behavior. Whether it’s a woman or a guy, the conversation can get intense and be aimed to deflate your confidence. Such an incident may push you so hard that you’d just want to give up. With the rise in the dating pool over the years, there are plenty of jerks out there. However, this also means that you may have better opportunities with the enormous pool of dating. 

It would be ideal if you can be watchful and identify rude behavior as early as possible to stay away from such jerks, and not waste time over a jerk. Classic red flags that warn you about a jerk include arriving late to a place, acting rude to servers and passers-by, and even poor table manners. A remarkable warning sign is that if a person makes mistakes and denies them or refuses to apologize to the other party, saying, “I am what I am.” This rude behavior is one not to ignore, but a call to action. 

Sometimes people may behave this way on dating sites or apps after a couple of meetings. This is because dating sometimes makes it hard to draw a line and end things. Out of dislike, people can behave in such a manner too. It’s then important to identify and discuss. Dating means seeking a connection between two people through openness. Hence, it is best to be understanding and talk about it if things are taking an ugly turn. But always remember never to accept disrespect. 

  • Help The Situation 

If you are when your emotions are threatened, then stay away. It is then highly advisable to completely stay away or avoid the jerk. However, if you know this person for quite some time and think his behavior and meanness are situational, it could be worth it in attempting to help both the person and the situation by giving feedback. Hence, try starting a fruitful conversation that can address the issue and show support.

These people with jerky behavior may be because of a stressful situation in life as a cheating partner or another. It can also be due to associating and drawing similar attitudes from a new friend or colleague in his life. Maybe all that matters to change things from jerky to sparky is just a matter of bringing to their attention how they make others feel. However, it is best to prepare yourself for the conversation and avoid blaming the person or start complaining, as he/she needs help.

The key to stopping people from mistreating you or chasing away jerks in your life depends on how early you identify and act out. Early identification will permit you to be realistic and take the right step forward in handling the issue. Either it can be fixed or give up on. Moreover, figuring out the exact situation will let you get back to your safe zone as quickly as possible.

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