5 Benefits of a Raw Vegan Diet – for a healthier YOU!


Just a few weeks after I made the transformation to a raw vegan diet, I started seeing the amazing benefits.

Vegan diet
5 Benefits of a Raw Vegan Diet – for a healthier YOU. [Deposit photos]
1. Clearer Skin– I suffered from acne for a long time. No matter what face wash I used, and how little make up I applied, nothing ever seemed to help. Just a few weeks after I dropped dairy from my diet, I started seeing my skin clear up, and my face started to glow.

2. More Energy- After eating a meal, I no longer feel like I have to pull my waistband above my belly button, or lay down for an hour. I am comfortably full, and able to go on with the rest of my day.

3. Better Mood- I no longer feel bloated after eating a meal, so I am less cranky. I get natural energy from fruits and vegetables- I was even able to cut down on the caffeine. Good-bye coffee, I am no longer at your mercy!

4. Longer Hair- For me, it seems like my hair takes 6 months to grow an inch. However, in the past few weeks, it has been growing at a much faster rate. Not only is it longer, but has a shine. Vegan foods that contribute to healthy hair are: seeds and nuts, flaxseed oil, sweet potatoes, avocado, chickpeas, and greens!

5. Better Informed- Once you start learning about nutrition, you become more aware of the choices that you are making in regards to food. Sure fast food may appear to be more convenient than cooking a meal yourself, but in the long run it will cost you your health. Avoid processed foods as much as possible! It only takes a few minutes to prepare a healthy meal at home.

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