Everyone overeats once in a while. Nobody has that much self-control that gluttony was never a part of their life. However, this can become an seriously bad habit especially when one is trying to maintain a healthier diet. One thing is eating a lot on occasion and indulging in some great foods you enjoy -but you know when it is time to stop. It’s a complete other story to customarily eat more food than you can even handle simply because its available to you. Nonetheless, eating patterns is something you can try to take control of by not having too many diet restrictions and by listening to your stomach when it’s actually full. The best way to prevent overeating -and stop yourself from reaching for that fourth slice- is by understanding the thought process that your mind goes into when your eating is going into overdrive.
Just one more bite.
“Just one more” is the common deal you make with yourself to allow that extra bite. The reason in labeling that additional intake extra is to show realize that your stomach is satisfied and now tipping into a round of eating that is unnecessary or unplanned. Sure one more spoonful of ice-cream won’t hurt but sure enough another spoonful may follow.
I’ll work out tomorrow.
Many people compromise that the more they eat the more they will work out to burn those calories. What they do not realize is how much time commitment for exercise certain foods will require. Think of it this way, one Oreo will cost you about 1,200 jumping jacks, think about two Oreo’s.
Start over tomorrow.
Many who are trying to start a healthier lifestyle find it difficult to make that a custom for the long haul. One of the most challenging hurtles is starting. When certain foods or food amounts are what you are used to cutting down is not so easy. Consider how many time you figure your day’s plan is “ruined” so you figure you will start over the next day -same often occurs with trying to eat healthy. You figure that you already ate half the bag of chips that you were not supposed to have at all so might as well finish it. With any goal, it’s always best to start now. Who cares if you had half the bag, that’s okay, but it does not mean its ok to start an eating spree simply because the day you were supposed to stop eating junk food did’t go as planned.
I will digest this in no time.
Relying on your metabolism to get rid of your food intake is common but a dangerous path to go down. This is because not all your food will be digested quickly and also for the known fact that your metabolism slows down as you get older. The sooner you realize you and not your metabolism is responsible for the food you eat the faster you will get into the healthy habit of knowing when you have had enough to eat.
I’m not stuffed yet.
You do not have to feel like you are ready to unbutton your jeans in order to stop eating. Listening to your body once is full and understanding the difference from that and being stuffed could do wonders for your eating habits and your overall mental and physical health.