The easiest way to stick to a workout is to find something you enjoy doing. Whether it be running, biking, or swimming- find what works for you! This summer save on a gym membership, and workout in your own backyard- in the pool!

In between swimming laps, try some of these fun fat burning exercises:

Water jogging: Burns up to 17 calories per minute. Jogging in the water in small intervals keeps the amount of calories burned high. With water as resistance, it helps to tone your legs and is a lot less tiring than jogging on land.

-Fly Backs: Works the upper arms, chest, and back. Bend one knee, and straighten out the other leg to start. In a lunge position, reach your arms out in front of you parallel to your chest, with palms touching and thumbs facing up. Open your arms out straight to the sides. Return to starting position to complete one rep. Do four sets of ten on each side.

-Leg Lifts: Leaning your arms on the side of the pool, lift one leg straight out for four sets of ten. Repeat on opposite side. After you did both sides, do four sets of ten scissor kicks. Flip so your elbows are balancing the edge of the pool, facing the outside. Kick as fast as you can underwater for four sets of 30 seconds.

Forward Lunges: Step one leg forward and bend knee at a 90 degree angle. Keep hands at sides. Lunge forward with back leg, repeating step. Do five laps across the pool.

Tread Water: Simply treading water burns calories and engages your core. Not being able to touch the bottom, your core is focused on helping you float. While making small circles with your arms spread out straight to your side, lift one leg and hold for five seconds. Switch legs quickly and repeat for one minute.



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