6 First World Problems Deem As Catastrophic, Apocalyptic, Life Shattering Yet Truly Nonsense!

Chances are you’ve heard the term first world problems. This term basically means, people living in the first world, like the USA, UK, Canada, China, Etc… who are basically better off than second or third world countries, complain about typically pointless things that are not life threatening at all, but feels like they are. Here is a list of 6 first world problems we in the first world deem as catastrophic, world ending, apocalyptic, life shattering nonsense.

1. You forgot your phone at home

Via Photo Spin
Via Photo Spin

How odd do you feel not having your phone during the day? If you’re like most people, you feel extremely vulnerable without that little box, You use your phone to stay connected with the world, to call your mom and maybe on the rare occasion you actually use it for emergencies which is it’s main purpose. When you leave your phone at home, it’s like losing a piece of your soul. We’ve all been there.

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