7 Stress Reducing Habits That Can Change Your Life – The bonus one is a MUST!

7 Stress reducing habbits

Today it’s easy to get lost in the mix with how crazy and hectic our lives have become. We need breathing room – time to just kick back and relax. Without it, we set ourselves emotional destruction. Here are few habits that we should start getting addicted to.

1. Hydration. This is definitely important. The more dehydrated you are, the more anxious and frazzled you will find yourself. To be mentally stable, our minds must have the proper mental capacity. Giving your mind and body water for nourishment is crucial.

2. Breathe properly. Here’s how to make sure you’re doing it properly: keeping your posture upright, pretend that your stomach is a balloon. As you inhale, your stomach should expand as if you were drawing air into the balloon, and as you exhale it should “deflate”. If your shoulders and chest are doing the “inflating”, you are breathing wrong. This sends signals to your brain that you are anxious, reinforcing this to your body. Relax your shoulders, and keep your breathing steady – this will help you relax immensely! Do this daily for 5 minutes.

3. Try body scanning. Start from your toes, and slowly go up each body part. Tense it 5 seconds, and then release it. Repeat, and then move upwards to the next body part. Enjoy the sensational tingling as your body begins to relax.

4. Snuggle on the couch with decaffeinated tea. Just the scent alone can remove you from any stressful state you may find yourself in. Some of the best teas for relaxation are Camomile, Ginger, Lavender, and Jasmine.

5. Bubble baths. Of course, making sure that you’re staying hygienic is always of great importance when trying to reduce stress. Bubble baths bring you peace and contentment, allowing you to treat yourself to some alone time in a hot tub of aromatic scents and tickling bubbles.

6. Massage. Our body can become very tense from the long hours of work and errands. Treat yourself with a good massage. You could either have your partner give you a soothing long massage or you may go to the spa for that special treatment. There are lots of spa deals lately on groupon and many other deal sites.

7. Music. Take 15 minutes of your time, daily, or as much as possible to listen to soothing or classical  or perhaps smooth jazz music. If you are spiritual, you may use your soothing praise and worship gospel music.  This is a good way to meditate. Lay or sit in your most comfortable setting with your eyes closed, while your mind is on your breathing, internalize the music in the background. Take a tour with your imagination. Picture yourself in a beautiful place, stress free where everything is beautiful and refreshing. Inhale all positivities and exhale all the negatives. This exercise is a great way to reduce stress. You could end with appreciation [prayer] to GOD and the Universe. Say out loud few things you are grateful and thankful for.

These are just a few stress reducing habits and techniques that anyone can do!  Oh yes, there are a lot more that couldn’t make the list, such as SEX.  Love making, is a great stress reducing habit you can indulge in, whether is a solo indulgence or with the right partner. Be sure to protect yourself. If you find few that’s  got you hooked, don’t be afraid to stick with it – these might be the only things in excess that can never really hurt you!

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