7 Tips For Getting Through the Work Week

The work week is hardly ever described in a positive light. There are endless memes online to describe the general feeling toward work days, especially early work days and of course the last work day of the week -usually Friday. As much as you may like your job, there is no denying that it takes up a lot of your energy and at times even drains you. When you are putting a lot of effort into something, it will have moments which make you feel anxious for the day or week to be over just to get you closer to a brand new day or a day off. This is likely more so during the summer when the temptation of the outdoors is highlighted by the sun seeping through the window. To help you survive your work week smoothly, here are 7 tips for you to try:

1.Treat yourself to the things you love.
Have a favorite TV show, a favorite snack or drink? Allow yourself to indulge in the things you love every now and then. It’s good for the soul.

Red Mango Frozen Yogurt

Image via Red Mango

2. Find an extra activity that has nothing to do with your job.
Take a class or find a project you would really enjoy. Adding something productive to your routine will not allow you to get bored or mentally exhausted from work.

3. Pick out something new to look forward to.
At the start of each week find something that will be your highlight, regardless if something comes about on its own. Maybe you are looking forward to seeing your best friend and catching up.


Image via Thinkstock

4. Smile and act as if you are excited to be working.
There are many reasons to be grateful for your job, even if it is not your dream job or far from it. This may be difficult to see sometimes, but be happy for what you have while you are searching or working for something more. A smile is contagious and goes a long way, even for yourself. The more you smile or laugh, the more you start feeling good about things; this is easier on Fridays but try it early on to set the week off on a positive track.



Image via Dr. Michaels

5. Wear cute outfits to work.
If you look good, you feel good. Do not save outfits, wear them any time you get the chance; as long as they are work appropriate, they will help out the work week for sure.

6. Have a great lunch break.
Food is not only your chance to refuel but has the capability to make your day. Eat something for lunch that you really love to eat and that satisfies your hunger. Also, share this time in good company; that could mean a co-worker, a friend that is nearby or even strangers that have something interesting to share.


Image via Zia Diner

7. Don’t always wait for the weekend.
Most importantly, do not wait for the weekend for something you can do during the week. Finding something fun to do in the midst of the week will help the work go by more smoothly.

Featured image via Flickr/Celeste

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