7 Ways to detect if your friends (or perhaps you) are fake or flaky. [ We all know someone who is number 6.]

Real or Fake friends?

1. He/she smiles in your face but would quickly backbite you.

2.  “I really would if I could” — They come up with the perfect excuse of how they would have loved to help you (in your predicament) but couldn’t, nor do they suggest or do any leg work in helping you with your situation. [Remember: talk is cheap. Your friend may not have the means financially, the resources, etc, but you need more than the ‘yap yap’ talks. How concerned is he or she? Do they go that extra mile or two for you?]

3. He or she is a ‘flakey fly’. They don’t do the things that they say they would do for you, and they’re always talking about nonsensical or irrelevant issues.

4. They always have something negative to say or find reasons why you shouldn’t do this or that. They are never encouraging  (or could that be you?).

5. He/she never makes time for you. Not only are they always busy, but they seem to make everything else is a priority… except YOU!

6. They read your status(es) on Facebook, or see your picture on Instagram, and don’t “like” it, even though they saw, and like your posts. They pretend as though they do not keep up with your social media posts or don’t want to give you the extra attention by clicking “like” – (oh wait! You may be guilty of this yourself, huh?)

7. They are friends only by circumstances. Instead of connecting with you for who you are, they seems to care more about who you know and/or what you could do for them; nothing else seems to matter to them. They hardly remember anything important to you, let alone remembering anything you tell them

 By now, you already know, which one of your friends are real, fake or flakey. Or perhaps you may have found yourself guilty of more than one on this list. However, it’s never too late to change this! Give what you would want from others. Be the friend you want to see in your friends.

Real or Fake friends?
Real or Fake friends?


1 Comment
    • Jane Roberts
    • March 31, 2014
    • Reply

    WOW this is on point. Thanks i couldn’t agree more. I love your site so so much. Keep it going.

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