Headaches have the potential of being one hell of a pain, whether because of the physical discomfort they cause or because they prevent you from going about your day. The feeling of a sort of agony of defeat that often occurs with a pounding head is an inevitable nuisance that everyone will have at least once in a while. With menstrual cycles, stress or even just certain unhealthy foods we eat, headaches come along. While we can not completely control our bodies on a constant basis, there are measures we can take to prevent or relieve headaches.
1. Avoid too much sun.
With summer underway and temperatures rising, you are bound to be out in the sun more often now. When you are out in the sun for long periods of time, make sure to have a hat or look for shade from time to time. The sun beaming on your head for too long could easily cause a headache, especially for people prone to them.
2. Drink water.
Make sure to keep hydrated. Dehydration is a major trigger for headaches and migraines. Keep a bottle of water with you if you know you will be on the go or outdoors.
3. Watermelon.
If lots of water is not so easy for you, perhaps you can go with a backup of foods with high water content -fruits and vegetables. Your best bet for getting a significant amount of water without having to resort to water alone is watermelon. This fruit can rehydrate you and provide natural sugars for a snack, and it can surely cool you down on a hot summer day.
4. Coffee.
The caffeine in coffee, preferably taken dark, could reduce a pounding headache. In moderation, coffee can help sooth annoying migraines. Remember, too much of anything is bad for you -one cup is enough to assist.
5. Bananas.
Bananas are said to help reduce stress and anxiety. They may also help to relieve headaches related to them, tension headaches in particular. These fruits help the brain produce serotonin which help with calming anxiety.
6. Foods with omega-3 fatty acids.
Omega-3 fatty acids help lessen inflammation and thus fight migraines. Salmon, tuna, eggs and avocados are great choices -the guac might just be worth the extra money. If you find it difficult to consume your omega-3 in foods, then you can look to supplements.
7. Limit time in front of a screen.
Most people spend a lot of their day in front of a screen. Constantly staring into a computer, phone and TV is harmful to your vision and your mind. Cut down on the time you spend staring into a screen and you can surely help cut down on your headaches, especially if they are frequent.
8. Just relax.
Humans worry, that in itself is inevitable. However, you have to consider that there needs to be a time when you just focus on taking it easy and not always doing something or being on the run. A good night’s sleep can do wonders to prevent and combat headaches and also do wonders for your overall health.
Image: Via Flickr/Leland Francisco