9 Types of Quotes Every Girl is Ready to Post One Day

Most people with a social media account have at least a few quotes in mind or saved onto their phone that they are ready to post when the time is right. The popularity of using quotes to express yourself has surely risen as soon as you could express yourself to a larger group of people -some of whom you know personally and some who are complete strangers. Perhaps you are trying to send a message to yourself, something reflective of your day or week, or you may be sending a message to a particular someone. You must admit it, in recent times as soon as you come across a quote you enjoyed or that spoke to you, you took a screen shot; there are several of these stored on your cell. Here are 9 types of quotes that will one day see your Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or Instagram page.

Image: Via Flickr/seaternity
Image: Via Flickr/seaternity

1. Life Inspiring.
Everyone needs something to remind them of how great life is. Once in a while, you face hardship or find yourself in an apparent dead end; words do have the power to be up-lifting. Sometimes spiritual and sometimes visionary, words can do plenty to inspire.

Image: Via Flickr/partie traumatic
Image: Via Flickr/partie traumatic

2. Song lyrics.
These are quite possibly the easiest and most beloved form of quote posts. Songs can remind us at particular times or just capture your feelings right in the moment unlike anything else.

Image: Via Flickr/Dennis Valente
Image: Via Flickr/Dennis Valente

3. Movie one-liners.
Movie quotes are not only reflective of our taste in film but are also highly nostalgic. The character and actor who said the line you remember made an impression on you and others. Think of all the posts you see regarding lines from Mean Girls or Goodfellas and so many other films -they were practically made for this.

Image: Via Flickr/Humor Blog
Image: Via Flickr/Humor Blog

4. Funny (#lmao).
Since everyone is often attached to their phone screen, some of the most useful pick-me-ups come from laughing at humorous quotes. Although sometimes you don’t even know who said them, you either see yourself in what is said or completely agree with the hopefully harmless gag and want to post to pass on the laughs.

Image: Via Flickr/BK
Image: Via Flickr/BK

5. Independent woman.
The girl power quote will never get old. With each generation, women reach new heights and inspire others to do so; it’s not easy or quick, but evidently possible.

Image: Via Flickr/SurFeRGiRL30
Image: Via Flickr/SurFeRGiRL30

6. Food loving.
Everyone loves food, and as it is part of your every day life, you think about it often whether you like it or not. The food quotes often revolve around the motivation to eat right or the hilarity of wanting to eat all the time and loving it.

Image: Via Flickr/Celestine Chua
Image: Via Flickr/Celestine Chua

7. Fitness motivation.
A great deal of social media posts in general have to do with fitness. So too, there are plenty of fitness quotes that aim to get you moving, or at least generate the intention for action.

Image: Via Flickr/brett jordan
Image: Via Flickr/brett jordan

8. Dating and relationships.
These quotes deal with love hopes, rules, struggles and everything in between. Plenty of people are not afraid to get lovey dovey and mushy on social media. Tag that special person and make their day.

Image: Via Flickr/BK
Image: Via Flickr/BK

9. Heartbreak.
Nothing calls for a great quote post like a breakup. Let it be known that you’ve survived without them before and will do so once again.

Image: Via Flickr/Hartwig HKD

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