- Eat Every 3-4 Hours. Eating small meals consistently throughout the day not only help boost your metabolism, but keep your blood sugar balanced as well. The less you eat, the lower your insulin drops, which causes fat storage (particularly in your torso).
- Protein Snacks. A handful of almonds, a Greek yogurt with granola, or crackers with hummus are perfect for getting your protein, which eats away at fat, and builds muscle. Protein also contributes to healthy hair, and nails as well, after all, that’s what they’re made of!
- Low Sugar. Try to eat foods with low sugar to keep insulin levels low and glucagon levels high. Glucagon is a hormone that eats away at belly fat. Having less sugar in your diet will unleash this belly-fat monster, and help burn fat quicker.
- Cardio. Yes, you have to build muscle, but you have to break down fat as well! Doing Cardio exercises 20 minutes (such as kickboxing or bike riding) for 3-5 times a week will help your increase your metabolism and burn fat.
- Avoid Salt. Salt is sodium, which will bloat your tummy. Try switching to natural herbs, or having foods with less sodium in it to reduce your chances of having a bloated stomach.
- Proper Portions. Most people don’t weigh their food, or count calories properly. If you’re not, be sure you have smaller portions that reflect your height and ideal weight, and have a proper balance of carbs, proteins, fats, sugars, and veggies.
- Ball Exchange Exercise. Laying flat on your stomach, with an exercise ball in your hands, arms above your head and your legs straightened, bring the ball to your chest as you bring your legs in, to exchange the ball from your hands to your feet. Repeat about a dozen times.
- Planks. Isolating exercises are ideal for abdominal muscles. Try the normal plank position, as well as holding yourself up in a side plank position for killer obliques!
- More Strengthening Exercises. Try other exercises (no more than 10 minutes a day and 3 times a week) like crunches (regular crunches, reverse crunches, and cable crunches), leg lifts, sit ups with weights, and bicycles!