Achieve Your Beach Body in Two Weeks

Between crash diets, maple syrup and lemon juice cleanses, kale anything, and long distance runs that have little effect, the effort to reach the ever-desired “beach body” is a long haul, usually ending with multiple pizzas and sleeves of cookie dough. The result is not a pretty sight, emotionally.

Of course physically, one random binge after days of starvation has no real effect on your midsection besides bloating. While you may feel like life has come to an end now that you’ve consumed an entire tub of Betty Crocker Rich and Creamy Chocolate Frosting, in reality it takes multiple days and multiple tubs to cause you to gain any weight. So relax about that. However, the fact still remains that you felt compelled to eat that frosting due to an excessive amount of Special K and green juices.

The beach body complex is a dangerous one for many reasons. Everyone should strive to be healthy and not conform to any societal standard of beauty, however this idea is nearly impossible to put into action. In compliance with the known difficulty of sticking to a diet, this isn’t about giving tips for a lifelong plan, this is about achieving confidence at the beach in fairly little time, while not sacrificing health and food. Well, maybe sacrificing the Betty Crocker for two weeks isn’t such a bad idea? This simple plan involves some faking and some making.

Abandon foods that will “weigh you down.” This means white carbohydrates, excessive amounts of alcohol and sugar, and most processed foods. You’ll feel better and instantly lighter after a week. Don’t cut out everything though, allow yourself the occasional brownie after dinner, or else you will binge before you’ve seen or felt any results.

Embrace good fats. Avocados, olive oil, and goat cheese are not the enemy, in fact they’re your friends. They are filling and contribute to clearer skin.

Blast fat by exercising hard in short bursts, then low impact cardio. Interval training is a must, as you continue to burn fat even after you stop working out. Getting your sweat on in the morning is good because you have more energy for the rest of the day, and you will feel even more confident in your bathing suit.

Use a light tanning oil, but remember not to go overboard. Having a tan gives you a glow that makes you appear slimmer and more toned.

$50 available at Sephora

Try St Tropez Tanning Essentials Self tan Luxe Dry Oil, available at Sephora. Apply evenly and in one coat.

Last, but not least, put on a bathing suit you are comfortable with to complete your “beach body” goal.

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