Enjoying things alone does not make you a loner. In fact, it can be quite refreshing every so often. Alone time is essential in getting to know yourself and not relying on someone else’s company or opinions to help you feel happy or at ease. Besides, it’s a great feeling when you have independence in simply having fun. So pick and choose amongst the following or use them to create your own idea of something you have never done on your own that you would like to try.
• Go on vacation by yourself. Discover new places in a way that’s all your own and by doing everything that you want to do. When going with others, you have to be considerate of their desires for the trip as well. Think about all the more things you would be able to cross off of your bucket list –no discouragement or lagers involved.
1 Comment
I actually love being alone. It helps me to gather my thoughts that were probably all over the place throughout the week. Long drives are the best, being by yourself with the windows rolled down and music up loud is one of my favorite feelings. I have yet to go to a movie by myself but I’ve heard great things and might try this weekend.