With Summer parties rolling around the corner, why be afraid to enjoy your food (and drinks), for fear of uncomfortable bloating? Well who says you have to deal with the nuisance of bloating in the first place? Here are some ways to prevent your body from that annoying feeling!
Bloating is essentially gas that is stuck in your digestive system, after building up in your intestines and stomach. While passing gas does help your bloating symptoms, it doesn’t completely rid you of them. There are other things you can do to prevent it from happening at all.
Increasing potassium is one way to avoid bloating. This helps push out the sodium and water built up in your body. Bananas, nuts, strawberries and broccoli are all great sources of potassium. Additionally, avoid sugar alcohol. You know you’re ingesting sugar alcohol when you read the suffix “-itol” on food labels, such as sugar free gums or low carb foods.
Chew all of your food. The more foods that you swallow which are not completely chewed, the more time it takes for your body to break them down, which are also major contributors to bloating.
Finally, limit your fiber intake. An ideal amount of fiber would be between 25-30 grams. Try to spread your fiber intake evenly, so that you are having it throughout the day, rather than all at once. Keeping all of these simple dietary tips in mind, you’ll notice a great decrease in bloating.