If you have ever been to the ballet then you will understand the feeling of walking out of the theater knowing that you will have to give up your job to become a ballerina. “That’s me soon!” You thought as she pirouetted across the stage, so effortlessly, such long limbs and so graceful. You will finally achieve that enviable ballerina body and have the talent to prove it.
Well, of course you come to your senses the next morning when you Google “how to become a ballerina” and find out the necessary training requires more than one hundred crunches a day, running, strength training, a ballet barre, and lots of expensive classes. Worst of all, it’s lean protein for the rest of your life.
So you probably cannot become a full time professional ballerina. But you can impersonate their style! Oh, the rose pinks you will wear! The dresses and chiffon! With spring soon at its peak and summer only a few months away, indulge in all the girly-ness your heart desires.