Get to Know Yourself: Life is so busy that you often lose yourself in the hectic pace of day to day life. This often leads to feelings of lack of self. There becomes a need to seek out the approval of your social circle. Instead of trying to force yourself to be who your peers want you to be, choose a circle of peers who accept you for who you are. Take the time to set your priorities in order and really discover what is important to you. You only have one life, live it for you.
Do What You Do Well: This isn’t to say you shouldn’t try new things, but rather know what you are good at. Practicing and excelling in a subject matter that you are already accomplished at builds confidence. This in turn leads to higher morale and a better attitude. Give yourself a pat on the back. There are things that you do well.
Exercise: Exercise is key. Not only is it good for your body, but also your mind. Exercising releases endorphins (the chemicals in your brain responsible for pleasure). Ever heard of a “runners high?” Sweating and exerting energy feels good. If you stick with it, there is a guarantee that you will feel a difference in your mind and body.
Accept Your Emotions: Even the happiest people in the world have off days. Bad stuff happens sometimes, and happy people know this. Take the good with the bad. Remind yourself that this unpleasant situation is only temporary and it’s going to get better. Think back to a time when you felt this way before. How did you handle it? Happy people do not ignore negative emotions. Rather they accept and acknowledge them, clearing the way to move on.