Ever thought about what life had in store for the beloved characters of Hey Arnold? The show initially aired in 1996 and follows the life of a fourth-grader from PS 118, his group of friends and neighbors. He lives in a “multiracial boarding house” with his grandparents in the city that resembles the urban jungle of New York, more specifically Brooklyn.
Artist Nuri Durr created a set of illustrations complete with bios of the present day lives of the characters, all grown up and in the real world. The group of illustrations is titled “Yo Pataki!”. And can be seen here on his full site.
After graduating college, Arnold moved back with his estranged parents in San Lorenzo. He lived there for five years but returned to Hillwood where he lived with his grandparents after he learned that his grandpa passed away. Arnold works as a child psychologist and according to his close friend, Gerald, Helga is more affectionate towards him, now.
Gerald was Arnold’s closest friend and is currently a student at the Hillwood school of Art and design getting a degree in film. He was in a relationship with Phoebe but she broke up with him when she learned he wanted to move to LA to pursue his dreams. He mostly makes short films based on urban legends.
Helga j. Pitaki, now works as a bartender in her new family’s business Big Bob’s Café, after her previous family business failed. Helga who is currently 26 had to drop out of college to help out, financially.
The unlucky one, Eugene Horowitz, followed his dream of becoming an actor on Broadway. He was known to be very clumsy, which actually helped him make his act famous, landing him a role in the television series based on his play “Eugene Eugene”.
The wrestling champion Patricia Smith has turned into a weightlifter and an Internet sensation. After she posted videos of her in the gym on social media. She is known as Big Patty on Internet meme’s around the world.
Whimsical descriptions and illustrations click on this link!