My POV: Can You Have Your Cake & Eat It Too?


The answer is no – you can’t have your cake and eat it too. You can’t always have the best of both worlds. Or can you?  When you make a decision or a choice, you choose one side or the other. You cannot physically choose both. Sure, you can compromise, but even then you don’t get the full effect of both options. People who think they can have their cake and it too, are usually the ones that have it worst off. They’re the ones that don’t know what the word “no” means. You know, the kind that always get what they want. Little do they know, however, that they aren’t really getting it both ways, someone has just made an exception and removed the choice from existence.

According to The New York Times, Matthew Perry said, “I’d always found ‘have your cake and eat it too’ perplexing, too, until it was pointed out the reversed construction makes sense: ‘You can’t eat your cake and have it too.’ Of course, everyone thinks I’m misquoting when I say this now!” So in case you were confused, that explanation may help. The reversal of the quote carries an even deeper twist on the meaning. It’s part of growing up – once you make a choice, you can’t get it back. You can’t go back in time; you already ate the cake. You can’t have the past and the present at the same time. You have to live with your decisions for better or for worse. You can eat the cake and remain full, eat the cake but want more or don’t eat the cake and save it for later. It’s just like life’s goodness – sometimes the decision is right, sometimes it could be improved upon and sometimes it’s better to leave for later.

All in all, though, the best of both worlds doesn’t exist, unless by chance. Not by choice. Well, after all this is just “My POV.”

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