Why You Can Indulge In Dark Chocolate And Not Feel Guilty


So maybe dark chocolate isn’t just a treat, after all. Turns out that munching on these dessert delights can actually work wonders for the skin.

Dark chocolate is filled with antioxidants that prevent skin from potential dangers, such as sunburn and cancer. These antioxidants also help free the body of radicals, which have been shown to increase signs of aging. Not such a bad way to make oneself look younger!

For the individuals who tend to have problems with acne or a bumpy complexion, regular consumption of dark chocolate keeps the skin smooth and nourished, allowing it to radiantly glow.

The dentist, even, gives an extra pat on the back for eating dark chocolate, too. Surprisingly, it’s actually good for the teeth because it contains Theobromine, which hardens enamel and makes it more difficult to develop a cavity.

Dark chocolate is also comprised of various minerals and vitamins that benefit overall health. In fact, it reduces LDL, the bad cholesterol, which eliminates clogging in the arteries. Not only that, but it balances the sugar content within the body, lowering blood sugar level. Yep, sugar that actually equalizes insulin’s impact on the body.

The last, and arguably the most important, impact of this chocolaty goodness is its influence on the mood. “Dark chocolate stimulates the production of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that bring on feelings of pleasure. It also contains the chemical serotonin, which acts as an anti-depressant.” So, when feeling down, grab some dark chocolate, a snack that gives no reason to feel guilty for afterwards. Ah, the power of a healthy dessert.


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