Today is the start of the eleven day International Cannes film festival located on French Riveria (14-25). The pomp and glitter of this event is similar to the Golden Globes meets SAG awards some may even argue oscar level but that depends on who you talk to. Some movies that have debuted here in past have actually made it into the US film award shows. Remember last year’s Blue is the Warmest Color?

In its 67th year this festival showcases and screens films from all over the world. This year’s film are from France, Mali, Italy, Canada,Russia, Japan, and the Uk. Besides the hype of attending the film festival ( which is a big deal) the most coveted award is the palme d’ Or award. And what is a red carpet without famous people?  Attendees include, Hillary Swank, Ryan Gosling, Nicole Kidman, Channing Tatum, Annette Bening, Julianne Moore, just to name a few. Ryan Gosling will debut his first film “Lost River” which stars his ex Eva Mendes. Other films worthy of keeping an eye out for is “Captives” which stars Ryan Reynolds, “Foxcatcher” which stars Channing Tatum and Mark Ruffalo by Money Ball director Bennett Miller. “Maps to the Stars” staring Robert Pattison, Mr Turner, Saint Laurent (biopic of Yves Saint Laurent). The Search for Michael frank. “The Homesman” starring Hillary Swank, and “Clouds of Sil” starring Juliettle Bioche. Some directors have debuted their films several times while some have have made over ten appearances at Cannes. Which brings us to the major critique of Cannes, that it’s the same show, new smell. Critics complain that there is no room for new blood. Ah, doesn’t this sound familiar, and you thought the Oscars were in the winter.

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