Cara Delevinge Tweets her Dislike for Vogue Interview


Model, Cara Delevinge, 21, has been the “It-Girl” for the past year. She’s rumored for dating Michelle Rodriguez, and even Leonardo DiCaprio has taken interest in the young model. No one is perfect though, and Delevinge’s behavior during her Vogue magazine interview is surely proof of that. Delevinge fell asleep twice during her interview for Vogue’s July issue. Writer Plum Sykes did not hesitate to include this in the story. Apparently, Delevinge overslept and was already 30 minutes late for the interview itself. Then, when Delevinge met with Sykes in the spa, she fell asleep quickly on the massage table and slept for hours. It turns out that Delevinge’s sleepiness was perhaps not due to overwork or stress. She had been out partying with Lily Allen until 5 in the morning. After finding this out, Sykes decided that instead of writing about Delevinge through an interview, she would write about how she is a “careless” party girl who fails to meet her commitments and often sleeps through them. After awaking in the spa, Delevinge allegedly told Sykes, “’I’m so sorry!!! I fall asleep everywhere! Someone recently asked if they could publish a book of pictures of me sleeping, because there are so many.'” Sykes humorously wrote about the incident, “Dear reader, to misquote Oscar Wilde, can I say that to oversleep once for a Vogue interview may be regarded as a misfortune, but to oversleep twice looks like carelessness?”

In the article, Sykes managed to collect accounts from other people who have worked with her. These people described similar incidents with Delevinge, saying that they had been irritated with how she is always sleeping, regardless of the location. Photographer, Tim Walker, who frequently shoots the model, even said, “Every shoot I’ve done with her, she’s fallen asleep … She slept for seven hours on one Mulberry shoot.” Delevinge took to Twitter to express her outrage about the story. The young model vented via Twitter, as well as her Instagram, stating, “Why do people in the industry lie so much???? They would rather see you fail than succeed. What happened to supporting each other.” Adding, “It’s even worse when your trying to fight people that have all the power because then you are powerless. All I can say is that I work extremely hard and ‘sleeping’ is proof that sometimes I work too hard. I apologise for being so ambitious.” She finished her string of comments with, “This just shows that the fashion industry is not the most understanding or compassionate of industries. That only applies to the people that sit around not really caring and never really bothering to get to know you or what it’s really like what happened to supporting each other?” cara 1_StyleFt   cara 2_StyleFT cara 3_StyleFT cara 4_StyleFt

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