Everybody likely remembers the summer 2012 anthem that blasted through radios everywhere known as “Call Me Maybe,” but does anyone really remember the singer behind it? Apparently the one-hit-wonder, Carly Rae Jepsen, is feeling the fall from her 15-minutes of fame. The 28-year-old pop star has allegedly been spotted at a pawnshop, attempting – and failing — to sell an expensive designer bag.

A source in Cosmopolitan quotes: “This very recent one hit wonder was in a NYC pawn shop yesterday trying to get money for a bag she paid $25K for. When the pawn shop said they don’t loan money on bags because they could be fake, the foreign born singer begged them to at least give her a couple of thousand. They said no so she eventually gave them a piece of jewelry to get the money she needed.”

The chart topping singer and any close sources have not yet commented on the rumors, but according to the star’s Twitter, she was last relaxing and enjoying a spa day on June 3rd. Now fans of the singer are left to wait for Jepsen herself to comment.


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