Cleaning makeup brushes is something that not many people think about on a day-to-day basis. It’s a simple concept, but it’s often pushed to the side because no one is quite sure exactly how to do it. Well, it’s a good thing that there are 6 simple steps to make those brushes good as new!
1. Rinse & Wash
Running the water brushes under lukewarm water is best to start the process along. Avoid getting any water under the metal fastener or else it will come unglued and the brush will be ruined. The warm water is used to wash away the residual makeup without ruining the bristles.
2. Combine & Mix
After the bristles have been rinsed, it’s time to make a shampoo and water blend. Take a teaspoon of a choice shampoo and mix with ¼ cup of warm water. Stir the blend effectively so that it bubbles.
3. Whirl & Twirl
Swirl the brush tip into the mixture. Make sure the clasp doesn’t hit the water again and twirl the top half of the bristles. Putting the brush in the palm and lathering that way can work as well.
4. Remove & Rub
Once the brush is taken from the mixture, lightly knead off the remaining blend and any leftover dirt.
5. Rinse & Reshape
After the brush has been cleansed, rinse it once more in lukewarm water. The brush may be removed only when clear water is running from bristles. Once this has been achieved, take the brush away and reshape the overall form of the bristles however is preferred.
6. Fluff & Dry
Pat the brush on a dry towel and allow it time to sit. Once the brush is no longer wet, fluff the bristles and Ta-da, good as new!