Whether you’ve only heard of Sex and the City via your girlfriends who were (and are still) obsessed, or you are one of those girlfriends yourself, Sex and the City makes its mark on any woman who truly loves fashion. Who hasn’t called themselves a “total Charlotte” while wearing a favorite cashmere button down sweater, or dared to try the legendary Carrie Naked Dress? But there are days when we feel like being a Charlotte, and there are days when we feel like a Samantha. Here is some inspiration for each of the four ladies personal looks, for when you just want to be fabulous.
The Miranda

Simple and professional, Miranda exemplifies the stylish businesswoman. Look for a well-tailored suit and classic pumps at work, and on Saturdays feel free to lounge in skinny jeans and your favorite sweatshirt proudly baring the label of your alma mater.
At night Miranda could work a sleek little black dress like nobody’s business. But don’t hold back with the shoes, because Miranda doesn’t work her butt of at the law firm all day to wear plain black platforms to the bar.
The Charlotte

Ah, Charlotte. She’s the Park Avenue Princess and Queen of the Hamptons who knows how to choose the best china for every occasion. But you don’t have to have a Williams Sonoma tab on your computer to be inspired by Charlotte’s clean, adorably preppy style.
Cashmere button-downs, polo shirts, simple, elegant dresses, and Ralph Lauren are your friends when you’re heading to the beach house on Fourth of July weekend.
The Samantha

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The world of fashion takes away its reigns and lets you wear pretty much whatever you want. Samantha is a no-holds barred kind of woman and so when you feel like emanating her style, dare to work that black body-con with the extreme cutouts on the sides. Don’t forget your red sky-high stilettos.
The Carrie

When you’re Carrie, you can wear a ballerina skirt with black pumps and a crop top. When you’re Carrie, you can wear that incredible floor-length bohemian dress hanging in the back of your closet. When you’re Carrie, you can buy (or dream of buying) all the Manolo Blahniks. Try everything and see if it works. The best part of Carrie is that she can wear overalls on Thursday and a Prada ball gown on Saturday.