True Blood is approaching its final season which will be released Jun. 22. While most viewers are sighing in overdue relief, there is something to be missed about this wacky summertime drama.
When the last season of True Blood, 6, ended, things were up in the air as usual. Sookie was finally dating Alcide, the man she has claimed would be the smart choice for her, his flawless body can’t hurt either. The vampires had been blissfully freed from imprisonment only to struggle with the prevalent “hepatitis V” virus. Sam had a baby with some girl no one cares for much and became the mayor of Bon Temps. Jason had essentially become a sex slave to a vampire temptress. And Eric was relaxing on top of a mountain, reading a book, and completely naked despite the surrounding snow, when his dose of fairy blood wore off and he burst into flames. Finally, in the last scene, Bill made amends with Sookie just before a group of vampires attacked the church BBQ which had been an attempt to establish peace among the species.
The writers claimed that Eric is not gone for good. Well, thank goodness. However, it will surely be puzzling for them to explain how he did not die. It is likely that his progeny, Pam, somehow saved him.
Sure it may be good for Sookie to be with Alcide, but that ending would be no fun plus he has never been quite right for her. It has also been released that there will be some tension in a romantic triangle between Sookie, Bill, and Alcide. But that’s not too exciting, Bill is old news.
Honestly, it would be best if Sookie ended up alone. It would resolve the plethora of issues that keep arising when she is with another supernatural. Also, it would show just how strong her character is and how much she has grown. Sookie has truly been a surprisingly tough and valiant heroine throughout the show, therefore such an ending would only validate this strength.
True Blood has certainly run its course. It’s racy, vampire-sex scenes, bizarre logic, and self-aware humor will be missed. Although this clip is more of a tease than a promo, revealing essentially nothing about the upcoming season!
Here it is: