With an endless amount of fashion bloggers present on the web, it may be tricky to distinguish which blogs you should actually invest your time on. Explore around before you commit to reading one regularly. You may want to find a blogger who lives in your area, has the same body type as you, or has the same taste in clothes that you do. Some bloggers, like ihateblonde, take a serious approach to fashion with editorials, and others, like the Man Repeller, opt for adding humor to high fashion. Here’s a few blogs that you should start exploring:
1) I HATE BLODE– Stunning editorials featuring inspirational writing by Rachel Lynch. She has a fearless style, and a New Yorker attitude. Her love of leather, fur coats and thigh high boots warn, “don’t mess with me.”
2) MAN REPELLER – Fashion version of TMZ, Man Repeller includes hilarious posts on pop culture, posts on humor, and intermingles humor with reviews on trends. If you love the site, you can pick up the book, The Man Repeller, written by creator, Leandra Medine.
3) HANNA BETH –You can expect to find fashion blogs, weekly fashion inspiration, as well as outfits that she put together herself. Her clothes tend to reflect her unique sense of style, inspiration and fashion news. An overall great source for all things fashion.
4) NOELLES FAVORITE THINGS – Another adorable New Yorker sharing her daily outfits with the internet, making many jealous of her chic retro wardrobe.
5) JAG LEVER – A New York girl with a signature coffee shop style sharing her outfits. Her style is a mix of boho inspired pieces, retro and timeless throwbacks to the 70’s.
6)LAUREN CONRAD– Every fashionista looks to Lauren Conrad for advice on style, D.I.Y projects, recipes and product recommendations. Her website is a go-to source for everything fashion. Find unique recipes, craft ideas and workout plans.
7) A FASHION NERD – Keep up with Amy’s outfit of the day posts, you will fall in love with her quirky style!
8)VANESSA HAYGENS – Vanessa has a very eclectic style, which is constantly evolving. She loves experimenting with different types of outfits and hairstyles, even hair colors. Receive style inspiration straight from the Queen of Coachella herself! Along with style tips, she posts what she’s listening to at the moment, recipes and beauty tips.
9) WHAT SHE WORE – A site run by the two super hot blogging babes: Samii Ryan and Hanna Beth. Keep up with their outfits of the day and try to contain your style envy.