The newest exhibit at the FIT museum in New York City is an ode to lingerie. Titled: “Exposed: A History of Lingerie,” the exhibit runs from June 3- November 15 of this year.
Over 300 years of lingerie styles will be showcased. From the classic conservative nightgown to the modern day corset, you can witness the evolution of undergarments. More than 70 pieces from the museum’s collection will be shown to the public, many of which have never even been seen before.
According to the FIT website, the exploration of lingerie will take place as far back as the 18th century, all the up to present day. The collection will be showcased and presented chronologically.
Both hard lingerie (corsets, bustles, and structured bras), and soft lingerie (slips, nightgowns, and panties) will be on display within the exhibit.
Be sure to stop by and witness the designs in person before it’s too late. However, if you do happen to miss it, a book featuring all of the items in the exhibit will be put out in the fall of 2014.