Gwyneth Paltrow Denies Rob Lowe

Gwyneth Paltrow is a health and beauty guru. She is very famous for her own company Goop. It is a website with advice on a wide variety of things like vacation spots to cleaning products. Gwyneth Paltrow also writes out newsletters to keep customers updated with all the newest and greatest advice. Therefore Paltrow is a very accomplished and successful woman.

Due to her exuberant amount of fame she attracted the attention of celebrity comedian Rob Lowe. Lowe offered Paltrow a spot on the infamous “Comedy Central Roast.” This show is basically what it says. Celebrities and comedians get together to poke fun at the selected celebrity. Yet no topic is off limits for this show.

For example, the upcoming roast is about Rob Lowe himself. The opening of the show apparently involves a snippet of Lowe’s 1988 sex tape. The entire thing is based around celebrities insulting other celebrities. The jokes can involve race, religion, politics, and raunchy subject matter. It appears that everything goes.

So many are not too surprised that some celebrities have denied the opportunity to appear. One of those declining the offer was being Gwyneth Paltrow. Originally Paltrow thought it might be a good idea. She informed Lowe that she would do research and then let him no. Well, that is exactly what happened.

Paltrow did the research and saw how incessant the flow of insults was. She then promptly informed Lowe that she would not go through with the opportunity. Paltrow also encouraged Lowe not to go through with the ordeal himself. Rob low did not heed Paltrow’s thoughtful warning. He still went on stage and was mocked. Lowe did admit that doing the show was pretty tough.

Of course no hard feelings are meant. Each celebrity simply reads off insults toward the designated other celebrity. Yet sometimes even those issuing the insults are not safe. They can also be made fun of at any given point in time. The show appears to be done in good fun.

Though some of the subject matter may be considered offensive to some viewers. Sometimes WWII, 9/11, and mental disabilities are mentioned in the joking fashion. Of course not everyone is going to find these jokes funny. Yet some people are, and that is probably the reason they do the show. All in all the celebrities seem to get quite a bit of enjoyment for themselves.

The idea of voluntarily being roasted does not sound like fun for some people. Yet for others, if they are comfortable enough, may think it a great idea. Gwyneth Paltrow has her own reasons for declining Lowe’s offer. Yet one does not have to think very hard in order to wonder why she said no. As odd as it is many celebrities say accept the offer to appear.

Some celebrities like Donald Trump, Roseanne, and Justin Bieber have all appeared on the show. The roasts were entertaining for audience and cast members alike. On Justin Bieber’s roast the celebrity roasters even got a little burnt themselves. Yet this is pretty common practice in the art of roasting. Sometimes you may get caught in the crossfire of your very own joke.

All in all it is not very hard to believe Gwyneth Paltrow said no to Rob Lowe. Having insults batter you for a little over an hour sounds pretty intense. Also it may not be that enjoyable. You may not want to listen to what other people think about your choices. Which is fine and understandable to the public. Yet one thing is for sure. Rob Lowe’s roast is probably going to be pretty spectacular.


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