Handbag Essentials – 11Must Have Items In Your Purse

  1. Make-Up Case – In this, you will probably want to have some, if not all of these items: lipstick, mascara, a compact, concealer, a nail file, floss, a toothbrush and travel size tooth paste, safety pins, body mist, clear nail polish (incase of those pesky stocking runs), bobby pins, hair ties, and of course, a few tampons, pads or panty liners; it may even be a good idea to pack in an extra pair of underwear in a plastic bag, in case of an accidental leakage!
  2. A Small Datebook and Pen – It’s always best to schedule appointments, meetings, dates, and work or project deadlines all on the spot. Having a datebook also helps you cross off anything on your daily to-do list.
  3. Gum and Breath Mints – Make sure that you’re breath is fresh when you go to meet with people throughout the day. Having bad breathe can be one of those little things that can repel prospective clients, employers or friends!
  4. Mase/Pepper Spray – You can never predict what will happen in the world around you. Always keep yourself prepared, incase of emergency situations!
  5. Aspirin, Painkillers, and Band-Aids – Head and body aches, nausea, and cramps tend sneak up on you. Don’t let them interrupt your day!
  6. Umbrella – Just in case that sunny day decides to rain on your parade without giving you any notice! You wouldn’t want to mess up your hair or play any wet tee-shirt games!
  7. USB drive and Chargers – Keep the USB in a pouch of your date book, preparing for the off chance you’ll need to take your work home with you! Also be sure to bring your phone and laptop chargers incase of surprise battery drainage.
  8. Flats – Invest in a pair or two of those flexible flats, small enough to fold up, and fit in a purse pocket. You might not want to be stuck wearing those heels all day when your feet begin to ache!
  9. Wet-naps or Mini Sanitizer, and Moisturizer – There are tons of germs that you encounter on a daily basis without even realizing it. Avoid making yourself susceptible to sickness!
  10. Spare Keys – Sometimes, you just have those awful days where you lock your keys in your car, or you’ve misplaced your house key! Keep a spare car and house key in one of the inside pockets of your purse!
  11. Your Wallet and Phone – Don’t forget the biggest parts of your life! Make sure all debit and credit cards, checks, and your biggest form(s) of ID are all together, along with a fully charged cell phone, before you go to take on the day!


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