If you have a sweet tooth, then you will be happy to know that chocolate has some health benefits. As written in womenshealthmag.com, here are some of those benefits:

1. It has cardiovascular benefits, meaning you’ll have a healthier heart. If you eat a slice of non-processed dark chocolate once a day it will lead to a decrease in blood sugar and reduce the risk of heart attack. This is due to the flavonoids chocolate contains.

via flickr/Cheryl Leong
via flickr/Cheryl Leong

2. You can lose weight by eating dark chocolate specifically. It also manages your craving for fatty, sugary and salty foods.

3. Chocolate can reduce stress, so if you are feeling overwhelmed have some dark chocolate. It has been proven that eating dark chocolate every day over time can reduce your stress hormone levels.

4. It is a different kind of sunblock. There was a study where people ate dark chocolate for three months and found that their skin took longer to redden in the sun. So, if you’re lounging under the summer sun be sure to eat some dark chocolate.

via flickr/Siona Karen
via flickr/Siona Karen

5. Dark chocolate makes you smarter! If you eat chocolate or cocoa with high amounts of flavonoids it is proven to increase the blood flow within certain parts of the brain. Although, the effects are not permanent and they only lasts for a few hours.


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