How to Increase Your Productivity

In order to be productive, one also has to stay motivated and determined. Here are some tips that can help to optimize productivity throughout the day.

  1. Organization: Staying organized is key to maximizing your productivity. Maybe this means planning your meals out on Sunday, or maybe this means creating a budget for the week. Remember that getting a task done sooner rather than later might be more helpful in future.
  2. Routines and Schedules: This goes along with staying organized. Creating a routine allows you to plan ahead. If you already know what your schedule looks like, you will be better prepared to schedule future plans. Also, having a routine keeps life orderly. Of course, unexpected events will come up now and again. However, having a set schedule or routine in place allows you to be better prepared for the unexpected.
  3. Cleanliness: Keeping your workspace and home tidy is also key. Each item should have its own place in your home. For example, consider buying a key rack. Over time, you will develop the habit of placing all of your keys on the key rack. You should always know where your keys are. The same thing can be done with coats and shoes. You can also try organizing your clothing drawers into different categories such as nice shirts, t-shirts, and so on. This is just helpful for finding things later on.
  4. Eat Healthily: When you eat healthfully, your body will thank you. Fast food and tons of sugar can make one feel irritable, as these foods do not contain adequate nutrients for your body to sustain itself. Just remember to eat food in moderation. Fruits and veggies are great carriers of nutrients and vitamins for the body, which helps your body function a little better. Drinking water is also a great way to heal the body. When you are dehydrated, you can get headaches and feel fatigued. So, stay hydrated and be sure to at least attempt to eat a balanced diet.
  5. Exercise: Exercise is another way to keep your body in balance. If you never work out, something as simple as climbing a flight of stairs may feel like a challenge. However, working out more frequently will improve your strength. You might find that you have more energy than before, especially when you pair exercise with a balanced diet. Try to fit a work out into your schedule. You can work out during the day, at night, or at short intervals. It really is up to you to set up a routine that works best for your lifestyle.
  6. Planned Breaks: Overworking can leave you feeling very anxious. Planning a good break every now and again is good for you, and gives your brain time to recover. Breaks also help you to take a step back and truly evaluate what is going on in your life. This can help you to look at a problem from new angles.
  7. Meditate: Meditation can be done during your break. It really helps the mind to unwind and calm down. Recovering from a long stressful day can take a while, so make sure to allow yourself some time to ease your mind. You do not need to think of anything in particular. Just take this time to truly immerse yourself in the moment. Meditation is a refreshing and fun way to reactivate and prepare the mind. Work can negatively affect both the mind and the body. So, do try to pay attention to your needs to ensure that you are keeping yourself happy and healthy.
  8. Personal Time: Try to leave time for yourself. Go out with friends every once in a while. Try to engage your mind and body with entertaining things such as concerts or books. You do not have to work all the time. You should allow yourself to have an active social life. There is time enough for work and play.
  9. Technology Breaks: Technology can be a great help in many aspects of life. However, you should let your eyes take a break from it every once in a while. Try to take a walk in nature. Your walk does not have to be long, but it gets you out and about. Maybe take a nap to rest your eyes. You could also try going out to lunch with your friends instead of spending it on your phone. Even go so far as to turn your phone off for certain intervals. Technology can sometimes distract you from the beautiful moments of life. Feel free, every once in a while, to get back into the real world.
  10. Create Goals:  Start with small goals that are timely and accomplishable. Really work towards achieving whatever it is you set out for yourself. If you want to exercise today, then set up a time and commit. If you need help, try talking a friend into helping out with your tasks. Many things become easier if we don’t do them alone.


Featured Image via Wikimedia Commons

1 Comment
    • Diane Won
    • December 6, 2018
    • Reply

    This is a nice refresher, with cleanly listed bullets, on how to buckle down and be productive.

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