Items Everyone Needs in their Purse – Do You Have These?

Sometimes it seems like you need to live out of your purse. In the darkest of times, it can seem like a safe haven. It has your breath mints before that big date and your hand sanitizer for after you ride the subway. But sometimes you find yourself needing something that your purse doesn’t have. Here is a list of necessities everyone needs in their purse.

1. Chap Stick

Via Flickr/Ganesha Balunsat
Via Flickr/Ganesha Balunsat

It seems impossible to keep track of a tube of Chap Stick until it’s used up, but if you keep your chap stick in your purse, you’ll always know where it is and you’ll have it when you need it. Chapped lips not only look bad, but they also feel itchy and painful. Be sure to carry Chap Stick around with you.

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