When it comes to what is trending nowadays, Juicing is definitely high on the list. Juicing seems to be the latest health craze, and it seemed to really pick up steam after the popularity of the documentary “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead”. In the documentary Joe Cross documents his wellness journey where he drinks nothing but juices and loses so much weight and get well from his illnesses. Juicing typically requires using a machine or equipment in order to turn raw fruits and vegetables into a liquid, salad in a cup. People use juicing to lose weight and as meal replacements. There is currently a debate about what is better, juicing or smoothies. There are many pros of juicing, but there are also some cons. Let’s explore why juicing is so popular right now.
• “If you’re not big into fruits and vegetables, it’s a good way to get them in,” says nutritionist Jennifer Barr. There are many health benefits of drinking freshly juiced fruits and vegetables, and it’s a great way to add nutrients from the fruits or vegetables that you normally wouldn’t eat.
• Fruit and vegetable juices retain most of the vitamins, minerals, and plant chemicals that would be found in the whole versions of those foods.
• The nutrients in juices can help protect against diseases, cancers, and arthritis.
• Juicing makes it easy to consume fruits and veggies on a regular basis.
• Juice cleanses are said to purge your body, clear your complexion, and make you feel better.
• Juicers can be expensive, ranging from $50 to $400
• When you juice you don’t get the fiber that’s in the whole fruits and vegetables, which is why some say smoothies are better
• Try to make only as much juice as you can consume at one time. Juice that isn’t consumed right away can harbor bacteria and cause food poisoning.
It is clear that the pros of juicing clearly outweigh the cons, but does that mean you should delve into a juice cleanse tomorrow? I think not. What it means is that the benefits of juicing are worth looking into, and juicing is worth adding to your diet, just for the health benefits alone. If you’re new to juicing start with fruits that you enjoy eating and incorporate veggies slowly. Veggie juices may not be the most palatable, but they have the most health benefits. Juicing is a trend that is certainly worth giving a try, and great way to get healthy from the inside out.