Justin Bieber Charged In Egg-Throwing Case


It seems that Justin Bieber is a pro when it comes to the egg toss. On January 9th, the 20-year-old pop star allegedly threw eggs at a former neighbor’s home in Calabasas, CA, prompting the provoked to press charges. In a court hearing, the ‘Baby’ singer, who did not contest the charges, was placed on two years probation, fined $80,900 in restitution and was ordered five days of community service along with mandatory anger management.

The neighbors, identified as Jeff and Suzie Schwartz, were able to provide photo and audio evidence that the star was to blame. They claimed that the eggs tossed at their home caused over $20,000 damage. Suzie Schwartz told New York Daily News, “[Bieber] should take care of the stuff that he messes up. It shouldn’t matter that he’s a celebrity. He can’t drive the way he does, say the things he does and destroy other people’s property and get away with it.”

According to audio confirmation, the ‘Boyfriend’ singer shouted “F—k you! I got another one for you actually,” while tossing eggs at the home. Lt. David Thompson, of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, told New York Daily News that all evidence points to the incident as a “deliberate act directed against a known neighbor.”

This is not the star’s only legal incident as of late. Bieber was also pulled over for drag racing in Miami and was found to have high concentrations of marijuana, Xanax and alcohol in his system. He is also in trouble in Canada for reportedly assaulting a limo driver.


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