Kiehl’s has provided high quality skin care since 1851. They offer all sorts of products for your everyday routine, for both women and men. Their newest moisturizer for men, used to eliminate oil, was sent into space as a publicity stunt. According to Cosmetics Design, skin care targeted towards men has increased worldwide by 70% over the past six years.
Kiehl’s used this new launching technique to target men, as it’s supposed to be more adventurous. The slogan: “Put Space On Your Face (in Five Easy Steps.) The space part comes into play because the product contains Aerolite, which is a lightweight ingredient used in space, and is ideal for absorbing oil.
Alex Schwartz, who aided in the creation of the campaign said, “This campaign really fits [Kiehl’s] personality because it’s experiential, social, and video all combined.”
The Oil Eliminator is available in two different packages at Kiehl’s. The prices also seem to be “out of this world”. One is a $70 shine control routine, consisting of three products that make up a simple skin routine. The other is the $27 oil eliminator sold alone. The products promises it “provides an out-of-this world clean-skin feel by absorbing sweat and surface oil.”
Although Kiehl’s is not the first company to do a Space-centric campaign this year, as AT&T, RedBull, and Axe have all been known to do it, Kiehl’s is one of the first cosmetic companies to try this tactic.