How Do You Know When to Change Your Beauty Products


Your face is your canvas. Having a clear face is a necessity to any woman. While highlighting the eyes, contouring the cheek bones or to wand mascara on, refreshing your makeup collection is important. Being cautious of what you put on your face is one, but maintaining cleanliness is another. Every couple months you should go through your makeup inventory and look over what can stay and what should get thrown out.

Here is the breakdown of how long you should keep your beauty products:

Make-up Tools: If properly taken care of, a good makeup brush can last anywhere from one to five years. The number one thing to do is to thoroughly and frequently wash your make up brushes (DIY). This includes taking care of your eye lash curler. Check the insides regularly. Maintaining good/clean brushes lead to less break outs. Also, it allows your makeup to stay fresh and last longer.

Foundation: One of the most used products in your stash; foundations are good for at least a year. Usually you’d probably want to get a new foundation every six months because of the changes of the season, which results in changes to your complexion. Foundations you have to dab are more prone to getting bacteria. Having a foundation with a pump is more sanitary and lasts longer.

Face Powders/ Bronzers/Blush: Face powders can last over a year or two. Depending on the duration of the powder, build up, stains or anything weird looking, could possible appear. Those are signs for when to throw that product away. If you have had any facial infections or bacteria of that sort, than throw all powders that have gotten in contact with it away. Smelling the Powder also works to. Any substance with a foul odor should never be applied to your sensitive face. Face powders can even last longer than one year if it is used often with clean brushes.

Mascara: After a few days of daily makeup, do you find yourself suffering from clumps? Well, this could be because your mascara is old. Replace your mascara every three to six months. Be cautious of clumping brushes, foul odors, or dried up product. Using dirty and old mascara is any easy way to get an eye infection.

Eyeliner: Liquid eyeliner should be replaced every three months. Pencil eyeliners are good for two years. Always sharpen your pencil before every use, this prevents bacteria build up. Gel eyeliner is good for one year and can be longer depending on how well you maintain your eyeliner.

Eye shadow: If you use clean brushes and maintain your powder eye shadow, then you can replace them every four years.

Lip wear: For all lip products : Lipsticks, lip gloss, chap stick, and lip liner replace every year.

Facial sponges: If you apply your makeup with a sponge, replace these sponges every month. Disposables ones are for one time use only. Beauty blenders are also included in replacing every month. Sephora reommends if you have purchased a BB  from them , to mail in your old BB after three months to the suggested address to recycle.

Nail Polish: Replace once a year

Overall, refreshing your makeup collection depends on how heavily you use your products. Be aware of any infections that have occurred using any facial products because this can spread infection elsewhere. If you take good care of your make up and tools, some of these products can last longer than their average life span.



Beauty Product Longevity via Pinterest

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