Father’s Day is yet again upon us, and unlike mothers, fathers aren’t always as impressed with “hug coupons”. If you’re struggling to figure out what to get your dad for this special day, here are a few ideas.
Nice Shirt: As long as you have the right size, you can’t go wrong with clothing. If your dad isn’t one to enjoy shopping, go out to a department store and pick up a few collared shirts in his favorite colors him. This way he’ll have something new to wear to work, and he’ll think of how thoughtful you are while wearing it. Plus, it’s better than a tie, right?

Round of Golf: A day out on the field is just the thing your dad needs. Get him a certificate for a round of golf on a nearby field, and let him choose the day he goes. Encourage him to bring some of his buddies and they can make a guy’s day out of it.

Massage: Another way to help your dad relax is a massage. Either at your local salon or a day spa, massages are good for anybody. Believe it or not, even dads needs to be pampered sometimes, and there’s no shame in it.

Book: Has your dad been eyeing a book for a while but has yet to pick it up? Get it for him. Or, you can ask his favorite author, and find out some of the books he hasn’t read yet. He’ll appreciate that you’re paying attention to what he likes.

Music: Has your dads favorite artists released a CD recently? Or are there a few songs on the radio that your dad has been into? Get him something off of iTunes. You can either download a CD for him, or get him a gift card so he can choose his own music.

Don’t be afraid to put a little extra effort into giving a gift for someone who has played an important role in your life. Parents do a lot for their children, no matter how old they are, and they deserve to be appreciated.