Makeup-Less: The trend that’s not only sweeping “Selfies”

Cameron Diaz No Make-up selfie
Cameron Diaz No Make-up selfie /instagram

Getting the “natural beauty look” has always been a particular goal for makeup artists and teenage girls alike, and now in the age of social media and the self-important selfie, the “natural” look has become crucial. Achieving it, of course, does not come without plenty of foundation and nude eye shadow. Therefore it is easy to keep on criticizing society’s emphasis on improving our looks instead of just being happy the way we are. Take comfort ladies. Introducing the latest trend in natural beauty: natural beauty. Literally, no makeup at all. The no-make-up selfie has taken over social media as a cancer awareness campaign as well as a self-awareness movement.

 The no-makeup selfie began in Britain and soon grew to raise several million pounds for cancer awareness, however the trend did not begin as a fundraiser. It originally started when author Laura Lippman supported actress Kim Novak after her appearance was criticized at the Oscars.

 Whenever celebrities are portrayed in magazines without make-up, the reaction always seems to be negative. Now, women like Beyonce, Jessica Alba, and Heidi Klum are baring their Maybelline-free skin.

 Harpers Bazaar also recently did an entire spread featuring current and former supermodels without makeup, and the result is striking. Suddenly we can see how beautiful these women really are without the obvious stigma of Photoshop lurking in our minds as we comb through Vogue.

 It may be time for all women to embrace this trend as more of a lifestyle. Of course it’s fun and sometimes necessary (hello morning zit) to experiment with makeup, but we shouldn’t let it take over our lives, or that extra twenty minutes of sleep in the morning.

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