Mindy Kaling’s speech at Harvard Law Commencement was truly a remarkable one. Besides keeping her quality sense of humor alive, with a platinum comedy routine at the beginning of the speech, she kept the whole scene real with her confident honesty.
Below are some fan favorite quotes from Mindy’s speech, as well as the full clip.
On the futures of the graduates of Harvard Business School: “You are entering a profession where, no matter what the crime, you have to defend the alleged perpetrator. Across the campus, Harvard Business School graduates are receiving diplomas, and you will have to defend them.”
On the famed and fabulous graduates of Harvard Law: “Harvard Law has an incredible number of illustrious alumni. President Barack Obama attended Harvard Law, or so he says. Elle Woods went here, from the trenchant documentary ‘Legally Blonde.’”
On her glamour and beauty: “I know what you’re probably thinking: Mindy Kaling, why did they ask her? She’s just a pretty Hollywood starlet. What does that quadruple threat know about the law? Sure, she seems really down to earth and pretty in a totally accessible way. And, yeah, she was on People magazine’s Most Beautiful People list this year — and also in 2008 — but what intelligent remarks could she possibly make about the law? She’s probably too busy doing shampoo commercials.”
On the reality of the situation: “Celebrities give too much advice. And people listen to it too much. In Hollywood, we all think that we are these wise advice-givers, and most of us have no education whatsoever. Actresses can become nutritionists, experts in baby care and environmental policy; actors can become governors, pundits, or even high-ranking officials in religions made up a mere 60 years ago. For two years I have played an obstetrician and gynecologist on TV, and damned if I don’t think I can deliver a baby.”