For James Franco and Seth Rogen, the Christmas film scene should not always be dominated by cheerful family gatherings and romantic rom-coms. This year, this comedy duo originally planned to entertain fans on Christmas day with a brazen satire named “The Interview”, where the attempt to assassinate the living North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-un.
Unfortunately, under terrorist threats and facing the fact that the North Korean government is believed to be involved in the continuous hacking of Sony Pictures since Nov. 24, Seth and James’s plan ended up as a mission impossible. After major theatre chains pulled the release of the movie, Sony Pictures canceled the release of “The Interview” in all forms, including VOD and DVD.
In the movie, celebrity journalist (James Franco) and his producer (Seth Rogen) arrived in the isolated land of North Korea to interview Mr. Kim Jong-un (Randall Park), and under the instruction of the CIA to assassinate Mr. King (Liz Caplan played one of the CIA agents). Still, we can enjoy some clips of the movie through trailers and teasers to add some satirical flavor to our Christmas movie watch list.
“The Interview” Trailer 1: