Movies that make us think of “AMERICA”


Toy Story


 When Toy Story came out my world changed forever. I grew up with 2D animation, so this film was a major improvement. Toy Story is the quintessential American story. It’s about a cowboy named Woody (the symbol of the US) who was the protector of the toy town in Andy’s bedroom. The controversy begins when Woody gets shown up by a new toy, an astronaut named Buzz. The toys represent American Culture with iconic toys (Mr. Potato head and his annoying wife, Mrs, Potatohead, Barbie, Slingy, and the tiny army guys). The story begins with Woody trying to get rid of Buzz because he wants to remain Andy’s favorite toy. In the end the cowboy and astronaut battle Sid, the neighborhood menace. The story ends with Woody and Buzz being friends.

American History X

New Line Cinema

Derek Vineyard, a skinhead and leader of a white supremacist gang, is played by Edward Norton, who was nominated for an Academy Award for his spectacular performance in this film. The movie itself was nominated for an Oscar. If you haven’t seen this movie, go watch it on Netflix, rent it at your local video store, or simply download it online. Independence day celebrates our countries freedom. This movie shines a light on everything that is wrong with having too much freedom. The freedom to hate whoever you want is not warranted nor desired. Not sure whether the “Committee of Five” had the freedom to hate in mind when creating the Declaration of Independence. Happy Fourth!

Jurassic ParK 

via Universal Studios Entertainment
Universal Studios Entertainment

A movie about a tycoon and a dinosaur theme park. What can go wrong, right? Well a lot of things went wrong. The dinosaurs are as big as the movies budget.This movie is not only a Steven Spielberg classic, but its a great movie to watch for this weekend!

Field of Dreams

Universal Studios Entertainment


Field of Dreams: “ If you build it, they will come”. The movie incorporates America’s favorite pastime: baseball. It is also the only movie that I have seen guys tear up for. Especially when Kevin Costner’s character asks his dad if he wanted to play catch.

American Hustle

Columbia Pictures & Annapurna Pictures


This recent movie is centered around a con-artist couple. In order to save themselves from jail, they collaborate with a crooked FBI agent in an abscam. The movie represents the glory of the 70’s with its gaudy fashion style and music. Everyone in the movie in striving for the so called American dream.

 Saturday Night Fever

via Wikipedia
via Wikipedia

Saturday Night Fever: Two words John Travolta

Boogie Nights

via New Line Cinema
New Line Cinema

This movie has 70’s music, Mark Wahlberg, Crazy hair, the porn industry, drugs, and everything in between. The times were crazy and so were the people!


Metro-Goldwyn Mayer
Metro-Goldwyn Mayer

Stallone greatest contribution to American cinema.



Scorcese finest work about being a mobster in America and getting caught.

Captain America: First Avenger

Marvel Studios

The movie’s plot follows a storyline of a character who tries to  fight  for advantages of  the United States of America. In the beginning of the story,  he gets declined as an unfit for military service because of his physical appearance. However, he does not  agree with this and starts to find a way to get back on track  for his path. He transforms  himself and becomes a superhero “Captain America” who dedicates his life to  fight for USA objectives.


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