Must or Myth: Low Fat/Low Carb Diets


The trend of the 80s and 90s was the “low fat diet” to lose weight. As we transitioned into the new millennium, the “low carb diet” emerged, influenced heavily by Dr. Robert Atkins. However, while most people will believe that these diets will help them lose weight, and improve their overall health, the reality is that both of these diets are simply fads!

The low fat diet focuses on avoiding fats because of the belief that fats are what keeps your weight up, without taking into consideration that your body actually needs a certain percentage of fats for proper hormonal balance. Similarly, the low carb diet revolves around little to no carb intake while having a high fat intake. The problem with this theory is that carbs are glucose, which is your body’s main source of energy. Additionally, high fat intake can lead to health issues, particularly as high cholesterol.

Ultimately what matters to optimize weight loss and health is a proper balance of protein, carbs, and fat. The ideal ratio of these micronutrients is roughly 30% protein, 40% carbohydrates, and 30% fats. Furthermore, your overall caloric intake is the key in fueling your weight loss and improving health.
Keep these things in mind when considering your next diet! Don’t make it a temporary change – make it a lifestyle change! Don’t eat healthy for weight loss purposes – eat healthy for you!

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