The New Monokini : Show How Beautiful and Sexy You Can Be


Team Monokini 2.0 just took traditional ways of seeing a woman’s body and turned them on their heads, except this time its not about being “too fat” for a bikini, or “emphasizing the small waist”. This time they’re focusing on women who have experienced mastectomies and would like to show how beautiful and sexy they can be, even with just one or no breasts.

These gorgeous bathing suits are completely redefining what it means to be feminine. Instead of emphasizing the parts of a woman’s body that are typically seen as sexy, like the breasts, the new Monokini swimsuits are meant to show strength and power. With unusual fabrics like sequins and metallic plating, the suits are reminiscent of a superwoman, or a Roman goddess. They’re incredibly feminine, but certainly not girly. As opposed to making the woman seem younger in an itsy bitsy bikini, Team Monokini played directly to the natural beauty in a woman who has been through a life-changing experience and grown stronger for it.

The question is, will society condone seeing the space where the woman’s breast used to be? Is it still too provocative to reveal even the ghost of what was once sexual? Hopefully our world will recognize that these suits attempt to do the opposite; they promote revealing a new part of the survivor’s body in a way that shows their newfound health, and not their past.

See the stunning swimsuits here:

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