Disney’s Pixar is known for stirring up our emotions, from original and adventurous plots to inspirational characters. Audiences were scared when Boo entered Monstropolis in Monsters Inc, cried when Ellie Frederickson passed in Up and even found joy when Woody and the gang found their way home to Andy in Toy Story. One way or another, Pixar digs deep into our soul.

A new teaser trailer has been released which does just that. It teases us. The project titled, Inside Out by Writer-director Peter Docter, uses various senses from Pixar films to show us our emotions in order to introduce a new line of characters, our emotions.

The story follows young Riley and her inner (living) emotions, including Joy voiced by Amy Poehler, Anger, voiced by Lewis Black, Fear by Bill Hader, Disgust by Windy Kaling and Sadness voiced by Phyllis Smith. The characters exist in Riley’s head in the “Headquarters” of the brain. Riley is going through a change in her life as her family has just moved to San Francisco. Her emotion, Joy, is introduced who tries to bring all the emotions in for a group hug, even if Anger doesn’t approve.

The film was created to go where most fear going, the inner mind of a young pre-teen and discover the emotions that run ramped there. The idea was inspired from Ellie Fredrickson, Up, as audiences are able to witness her entire life and it’s development over the years.

Inside Out is expected to hit theatres June 19, 2015.


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