Pope Francis on Evolution

Pope Francis declares that the Big Bang Theory and evolution are true and part of God’s plan. The Big Bang Theory is a theory that scientist believe created the universe about 13 .8 billion years ago.

In a meeting at the Vatican Pontifical Academy of Sciences the Pope stated

“The Big Bang, which today we hold to be the origin of the world, does not contradict the intervention of the divine creator but, rather, it requires it.”

The Pope believes that the scientific views of evolution and the churches vision are compatible in the story of creation.

“The development of each creatures characteristics over millennia does not contrast with the notion of creation because evolution presupposes the creation of beings that evolve.”

Creationism and The Book of Genesis are no longer taught at the Catholic Church. The Pope stated that Genesis is considered an allegory for the way that “God created the world, along with the notion that God created the world in six days.

“Reading Genesis we imagine that God is the wizard with the magic wand capable of doing all things. But it is not so. He created life and let each creature develop according to the natural laws which she had given each one.”

This statement comes amongst tenuous time for the Catholic Church. A divide has grown between Bishops who are included towards a more “merciful church” and ones who support Benedict’s doctrine. Along with issues like gay marriage and divorce, reports suggest that the church is attempting to take a more progressive stance in the world.


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