1. Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield
As far as power couples go, these two are pretty low-key. They keep relatively out of the paparazzi spotlight and have a cool and casual aura surrounding their well dressed, hipster selves. They have been together since the first ‘Amazing Spiderman’ film, which means their relationship has outlasted travel and separation. Also, fans say they look amazing together.

George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin
The legendary bachelor is finally engaged, and to a powerful woman! Amal Alamuddin is a British attorney who specializes in international law and human rights. Paired with Clooney’s wildly successful acting career, she makes the power couple dance.

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher
They’re the witty, smart-alecky couple with a great sense of humor. Now with a baby on the way! You can also thank Ashton for services like Spotify, Skype and Foursquare since he was an early investor in each of those companies. Fans are hoping their baby has Mila’s eyes.

Aaron Paul and Lauren Parsekian
It doesn’t get much better than a man who says, “All our future children will be lucky to have her as a mother.” Wow.

Beyonce and Jay Z
You knew that this power couple and hip-hop royalty would get the last word. They just ooze style and ultramodern trends in their music and fashion. Basically, Bey and Jay win as the best power couple of 2014.