The animated show Powerpuff Girls, first aired in the year 1998. The program was created by Craig McCracken, and was about 3 superhuman sisters who were created in a lab by Professor Utonium. The episodes followed the sisters’ adventures of beating all the villains to save Townsville.
The popular animated series will now be getting a stylish new reboot in the year 2016. The show will be aired on Cartoon Network and it will feature the voices of Amanda Leighton as Blossom, Kristen Li as Bubbles and Natalie Palamides as Buttercup.
Hopefully, the reboot will not be much like the not-so-successful Powerpuff Girls movie from 2002. Luckily, the reboot may be a bit more successful as one of the producers will be Nick Jennings, who is an Emmy Award winner and popular for his work on Adventure Time.
Rob Sorcher, who is the Chief Content Officer said, “It has been wonderful to see this new show team bring such passion and positive creative spirit to this iconic property. We know that fans of every age will appreciate this new take on saving the world before bedtime.”