One of the top fashion bloggers exploring the streets, looking for people with unique, strange, and modern style. The Sartorialist has few rules when it comes to whom he photographs, or what they’re wearing in terms of what’s in vogue now.
Recently The Sartorialist traveled to Peru and took photos of children going to school in uniforms, on the back of a truck wearing colorful skirts and sweaters, of an older Peruvian woman carrying her shopping bags returning from the market, and a Peruvian man holding a striped canvas sack over his shoulder, wearing a brown, perfectly worn hat and a red wool sweater. The caption reads “FASHION is what you wear. STYLE is how you wear it.” The Sartorialist perfectly emphasizes this truism. No matter where you’re from, whether you’re a ten year-old Peruvian girl wearing dark green wool pants under a pink skirt, carrying a clay pot down a mountain, or a forty-something year-old man in an immaculate designer pinstripe suit outside the Paris Opera, The Sartorialist sees the beauty in every location.
One of the best parts about scrolling through The Sartorialist is how he captures the humanity in style. If style is how we wear the clothes, it’s inevitable that we won’t look like the man outside the Paris Opera every day. The Sartorialist gives his readers and fellow bloggers the story behind where he travels, and occasionally the story behind the people he photographs.
The woman with the great bob and floor-length camel wool coat, the man with the top hat and navy blazer in Milan, the woman wearing kitten heels and fishnets riding a bike through Paris, these characters are mere glimpses into The Sartorialist’s fashion anthology. When you’re bored on a Sunday afternoon, he’s the photographer you want to click through again and again.